Autumn came in on little cat's feet, what was it that traversed on "cat's feet?" Fog? Sandburg, ah, yes, thank you Google. But today for the first time in four months or so, we were sprinkled with raindrops and the cloudy skies were not owed to smoke.
We went to the Oregon coast in recent days in search of clearer skies and the weather was balmy and breathable. The place we rented was well-stocked and charming, redolent of the sixties with great ocean views and easy beach access.
Returned home to the last rose of summer.
Five Things I Enjoyed of Late:
-Dear Loosha, letters of Lucia Berlin and Kenward Elmslie. She is the short story writer, he is a poet and playwright, and this forthcoming book is excerpted here:
Letters are one of my treasured reading treats.
-Speaking of treats, a twice-baked almond croissant from Bakery Nouveau which is perfect with a mug of tea.
-Gifts: a lovely journal and votive holders from our writing colleague at her Navaratri celebration, a festival in honor of three goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Sarasvati. And notecards created by a Leo-loving photographer friend.

-The late Hilary Mantel's inimitable prose in her novel Experiment in Love.
-Not having to buy gas for the car covering the 207 miles to the ocean in one charge.
Hello Mary and congratulations on your new venue! 🌹🌹