At the beginning of the year, we put money down on a plug-in hybrid SUV with a gas tank and electrical system to buzz around town. No sign of it so we decided to take the plunge and get a Bolt EUV, a small SUV with around 240 miles per full charge. Not sure how far we can get but the maiden voyage will be a trip to the Oregon coast (210 miles) in October. It is quiet and zippy and comfortable with nothing under the hood but a battery. If anyone wants a 2003 VW Tuareg gas gobbler, let me know. #Bolt EV

This month a friend from our travels who suffered from Parkinson's Disease went to Switzerland for voluntary assisted death. Before she left and after we had visited, she sent me a pair of silver earrings she'd bought when we went to Syria in 2010. I would not presume to try to talk anyone out of such a serious step, but this article presents an excellent discussion of the topic in an interview with another Parkinson's sufferer who took the same step:
Do you ever think you ought to read more or feel disappointment when a book you'd anticipated is a letdown? I fret that I'm not reading enough quality literature, writing that I would want to emulate or at least learn from. I just finished a highly touted debut novel which left me feeling "meh." So I reread Deborah Levy's memoir trilogy and felt much better. I picked up the Australian writer Helen Garner's diaries and started Pale Horse, Pale Rider from Katherine Anne Porter as well as Lucia Berlin's short stories And the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop. #amreading
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